Diksha Sharma, Vivek Balasaheb Sabale, Parvinder Singh and Atul Kumar, Harnessing Quantum Support Vector Machines for Cross-Domain Classification of Quantum States, arXiv:2407.00774v2, 2024 (Under review).
Anoopa Joshi, Parvinder Singh and Atul Kumar, A Graph-Theoretical Framework to Analyse Zero Discord Quantum States, arXiv:2405.10245 , 2024 (Under review).
Vivek Balasaheb Sabale, Nihar Ranjan Dash, Atul Kumar, and Subhashish Banerjee, Facets of correlated non-Makovian Channels arXiv:2401.05499v1, 2024 (Accepted).
Diksha Sharma, Parvinder Singh and Atul Kumar, Quantum Inspired selection attribute Algorithms, Quantum Science and Technology 10, 015036 (2024).
Anoopa Joshi, Parvinder Singh and Atul Kumar, Separability of Graph Laplacian Quantum States: Utilizing Unitary Operators, Neighbourhood Sets and Equivalence Relation, arXiv:2401.02289v1, 2024 (Under review).
Jyoti Faujdar, Diksha Sharma, Hargeet Kaur, Parvinder Singh, Atul Kumar and Surinder Singh, Fundamentals and Applications of Quantum Computation: A Comprehensive Review, 2024 (Revision submitted to ACM Computing Surveys).
Vivek Balasaheb Sabale, Atul Kumar, and Subhashish Banerjee, Toward Realization of Universal Quantum Teleportation Using Weak Measurements, Accepted in Annalen Der Physik (2023).
Diksha Sharma, Parvinder Singh and Atul Kumar, The role of entanglement for enhancing the efficiency of quantum kernels towards classification, Physica A 665, 128938 (2023).
Jyoti Faujdar, Hargeet Kaur, Parvinder Singh, Atul Kumar and Satyabrata Adhikari, Nonlocality and Efficiency of Three-Qubit Partially Entangled States, Accepted in Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations, August (2022).
Parvinder Singh, Jyoti Faujdar, Maitreyee Sarkar and Atul Kumar, Bell’s inequality with Biased Experimental Settings, Quantum Information Processing 21, 167 (2022).
Anoopa Joshi, Atul Kumar and Parvinder Singh, Entanglement and Separability of Graph Laplacian Quantum States, Quantum Information Processing 21, 152 (2022).
Jyoti Faujdar and Atul Kumar, A comparative study to analyze efficiencies of (N+2)-qubit partially entangled states in real conditions from the perspective of N controllers. Quantum Inf. Process. 20, 64 (2021).
H. Kaur and A. Kumar, Nonlocality, Entanglement, and Randomness in different conflicting interest Bayesian games, Quantum Information and Computation 20, 901 (2020).
H. Kaur and A. Kumar, Nonlocal correlations and noise in different settings of a two-player game, Quantum Information Processing 19, 57 (2020).
H. Kaur and A. Kumar, An Improved Ping-Pong Protocol Using Three-Qubit Nonmaximally Nonorthogonal Entangled States, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A, (2019) Accepted.
J. Faujdar and Atul Kumar, Quantum Physics, Substance, Form and Interaction, Conference on Quantum Physics, Brain Functions in Modern Science and Buddhist Philosophy, 1-2 Dec, 2018, To be published.
J. Faujdar and Atul Kumar, Analysing the Efficiencies of Partially Entangled Three-Qubit States for Quantum Information Processing Under Real Conditions, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A, (2019) Accepted.
A. Joshi, R. Singh and Atul Kumar, Concurrence and three-tangle of the graph, Quantum Information Processing 17, (2018), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-018-2085.
P. Singh and Atul Kumar, Analysing Nonlocal Correlations in Three-qubit Partially Entangled States Under Real Conditions, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 57, 3172 (2018).
P. Singh, and A. Kumar, Analysing Nonlocality Robustness in Multiqubit Entangled States under Noisy Conditions and Weak Measurement. Quantum Information Processing 17 (2018), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-018-2016-5.
H. Kaur, and A. Kumar, Analysing the efficiency of partially entangled states in Vaidman’s-type games and its applications in quantum secret sharing. International Journal of Computers and Applications 41, 2 (2018)
H. Kaur, and A. Kumar, Analysing the role of entanglement in the three-qubit Vaidman's game. IEEE conference on Intelligent Communication and Computational Techniques, Pages 96-101 (2018).
P. Singh, and A. Kumar. Correlations, Nonlocality and Usefulness of an Efficient Class of Two-Qubit Mixed Entangled States. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 73, 191 (2018).
H. Kaur, and A. Kumar. Game-theoretic perspective of Ping–Pong protocol. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 490, 1415 (2018).
B. Adhikari, S. Banerjee, S. Adhikari, and A. Kumar, Laplacian matrices of weighted digraphs represented as quantum states. Quantum Information Processing 16, 79 (2017).
P. Singh, S. Adhikari, and A. Kumar, Usefulness of Multiqubit W-type States in Quantum Information Processing. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 123, 572 (2016).
S. Adhikari and A. Kumar, Upper Bound on Singlet Fraction using Mixed Entangled States, Quantum Information Processing 15, 2797 (2016).
S. Adhikari, S. Roy, S. Chakraborty, V. Jagadish, M. K. Haris, and A. Kumar, Controlled Secret Sharing Protocol using a Quantum Cloning Circuit, Quantum Information Processing 13, 2071 (2014).
S. Roy, N. Ganguly, A. Kumar, S. Adhikari and A. S. Majumdar, A cloned qutrit and utility in quantum information tasks, J. Quant. Inf. Proc. 13, 629 (2014).
Shantanav Chakraborty, Subhashish Banerjee, Satyabrata Adhikari and Atul Kumar, Entanglement in the Grover’s Search Algorith, arXiv: 1305.4454 (2013).
Atul Kumar, Satyabrata Adhikari and Pankaj Agrawal, Generalized form of optimal teleportation witness operators, J. Quant. Inf. Proc. 12, 2475 (2012).
Atul Kumar and Mangala Sunder Krishnan, Quantum entanglement and generalized information processing using entangled states with odd number of particles, arXiv:0906.3797v3.
Atul Kumar and Mangala Sunder Krishnan, Generalized controlled dense coding with maximally entangled multiqubit states. IJQI 8, 947 (2010).
Atul Kumar and Mangala Sunder Krishnan, Quantum entanglement and teleportation using statistical correlations. J. Chem. Sci. 121, 767 (2009).